
SNCF Réseau


Control, Command and Signalling

Prosjektets varighet

11.2019 -


The Paris – Lyons HSL+ project is a major modernization project for the South-East HSL, commissioned in 1981 and equipped with the TVM 300 system. It aims at improving the performance of the line, in terms of capacity and regularity. It notably includes the deployment of the trackside ETCS (L3 Hybrid) Baseline 3.6.0 and GPRS.

The trackside ERTMS will be deployed on top of the TVM 300 system. The authorization in 2025 concerns the L2 superimposed on the TVM. The L3 Hybrid will be predisposed for trackside, but commissioning is not foreseen immediately. Thus, two operating phases are currently planned: a first one where traffic will be mixed (trains equipped and running in ETCS L2 with non-equipped trains running on TVM), and a second one where all traffic will be performed on ETCS (L2 or L3 Hybrid).


In this context, CERTIFER carries out a NoBo service to assess the ETCS and GPRS (Data Radio Communication) compliance with the Control-Command and Signalling Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI), an AsBo service to assess the project’s compliance (safe integration between ERTMS, OCC and interlocking system (SEI-TVM)) with the CSM regulation (Commission implementing Regulation No 402/2013 of 30 April 2013 on the common safety method for risk evaluation and assessment and repealing Regulation (EC) No 352/2009) and a DeBo service to assess the project’s compliance with French Notified Technical Rules.

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