ISA/NoBo French, Belgian & Luxembourgian DeBo mission





Prosjektets varighet

2012 -


The objective of this project is to equip 16 T3000 locomotives and 22 TER2N-NG trains from CFL with an ETCS level 1 on-board subsystem in compliance with the UNISIG 2.3.0D baseline in order to run in Luxembourg in ETCS level 1 and with the existing national systems outside Luxembourg (in France and Belgium).

The project is organized in 2 phases:

  • Equipment of TER2N-NG trains,
  • Equipment of the T3000 locomotives.


This evaluation covers:

ISA mission

The ETCS equipment installed on TER2N-NG trains and T3000 locomotives is based on the Alstom generic GATC product (version for TER2N-NG trains and version 5.6.0 for T3000 locomotives). The safety evaluation mission also includes the evaluation of the interfaces between the EVC and the national systems and the cross-acceptance of the evaluation reports of each of the installed national systems. In addition, non-regression tests demonstrating that the functions of the national systems interfacing with the EVC are not impacted are also part of this assessment.

NoBo mission

The objective of this mission is to verify the conformity of the on-board signalling system with the requirements of the Conventional Control Command Signalling TSI. This conformity will be validated by following the SH2 module.

DeBo France mission

The proposed OQA mission concerns the evaluation of the KVB/RPS system according to the French national rules.

The Start of Mission, transition management and speed indicator will also be evaluated.

This mission consists in :

Evaluate that the safety objective of a system or sub-system is achieved at any time during its lifetime (Expert Opinion),
Verify that the system is designed and built in accordance with the regulations, standards and rules of the art (Legal opinion).

DeBo Belgium mission

The proposed DeBo Belgium missions concern :

  • the evaluation of the RPS system according to the Belgian national rules for TER2N-NG trains,
  • the evaluation of the TBL1+, TBL2 systems according to the Belgian national rules for the T3000 locomotives.

Furthermore, the correct application of the national rules concerning ERTMS will be evaluated.

DeBo mission Luxembourg

The proposed DeBo mission concerns the evaluation of the Memor II+ and RPS systems according to the Luxembourg national rules. Start of Mission, transition management and speed indicator will also be evaluated.

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