

Duur van het project

Beschrijving van het project

A modernisation project of 67 km of railway line Hatrival – Luxembourg border that includes:

Infrastructure modernisation

  • 5 curves
  • 6 level crossing
  • 27 structures in total
  • 7 railway stations

Signalling subsystem

Signalling system modernisation and adaptation to higher trains speed

Energy subsystem

Dismantling existing catenary 3kV and construction of new overhead catenary system 25kV

Omvang van het werk

NoBo Service

  • Energy: interoperability assessment of the Energy subsystem according to TSI 1301/2014
  • Infrastructure: interoperability assessment of the Infrastructure subsystem according to TSI Infra 1299/2014
  • PRM: interoperability assessment of the PRM subsystem according to TSI Energy 1300/2014

DeBo Service

  • CCS & Infrastructure : assessment of the Signalling and Infrastructure systems according to national rules
Prestaties/ Succes
Alles bekijken
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