Hitachi Rail STS
Control, Command and Signalling
Durata del progetto
11.2020 -
Descrizione del progetto
Milano Metro Line M4 will be a fully automatic light rail, with underground track, except the depot-workshop and its connection to the underground track; Line M4 develops from San Cristoforo to Linate for 14.2 km with 21 stations. The project ML4 is a green field. The commissioning of the entire line is divided into four phases from 2021 to 2023.
The Core CBTC includes the following equipment: Carborne Controller, Train Operator Display, Zone Controller and FRONTAM (unique interface of the Core CBTC to the ATS). The Generic Application Core CBTC used for ML4 project is already Certified.
Ambito di lavoro
In this context, CERTIFER is involved as the Independent Safety Assessor for the Specific Application of Core CBTC to assess its compliance with CENELEC standards.