
Transport Infrastructure Ireland


Control, Command and Signalling, Energy, Infrastructure, Rolling Stock, Global System

Durata del progetto

09.2019 -

Descrizione del progetto

The origin of the MetroLink Scheme Project finds its roots in a social observation, stating that by 2030, 60 percent of the world’s population will live in cities.

The MetroLink Scheme will be formed by a 19-km north-south urban railway route, that will link Swords to Dublin’s city centre (Charlemont) in 25 minutes, and the city centre to Dublin Airport in 20 minutes, by mostly running underground (single bore tunnel). The MetroLink Scheme will be fully automatic (GoA 4) and will include 15 stations.

Ambito di lavoro

In this context, CERTIFER is involved as the Independent Safety Assessor to assess the Project compliance with CENELEC standards. CERTIFER is responsible for the assessment of the following: System-wide, Rolling Stock, Power & Systems, Civil, Structural, Fire Safety, Track, Tunneling, IT Systems & Signaling, Operations (including CBTC & OCC), Safety & Systems Integration, Human Factors, Safety & Quality Assurance.

Vedi tutto
France: haut-bugey conventional line
France: Eole project
NoBo/DeBo FR/AsBo Services
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DeBo/NoBo/AsBo Services
France: bypass of Donges industrial sites
NoBo, DeBo and AsBo service
France : Bretagne Pays-De-La-Loire (BPL) HSL
Evaluation of the TGV POS subsystem in relation to TSI
Baltic Countries: Rail Baltica Project
NoBo/AsBo service
Denmark: Ringsted – Fehmarn
NoBo / ISA Services

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