


Dauer des Projekts

2011 to 2014

Beschreibung des Projekts

The VELARO E 320 Rolling Stock is a high-speed train circulating in France, Belgium and in the United Kingdom composed of multiple units for a maximum operating speed up to 320 km/h.
The train is composed of 16 cars divided into two 8-car-symetric vehicles.
The train is configured to support three tension levels : 25 kV AC, 1500V DC and 3000V DC.

Umfang der Arbeiten

French DeBo Service

  • The mission consists in assessing the Velaro E Rolling Stock, and includes risks identified in the Risks Analysis in the Safety Case according to the French Decree 2006-1279.

CSM Service (Common Safety Method)
This mission has been performed according the EC regulation N°352/2009 of April, 24th 2009.
Belgian DeBo Service

  •  Law of 2006/12/19 “Law related to the railway operation safety” ; latest version;
  •  Order of 2009/11/13 “Royal Order related to the Safety National Regulatory framework”
  •  Order of 10/07/30 “Ministerial Order related to the application of requirements applicable to Rolling Stocks to use train paths”
  •  The directive of commission n°2011/18/EU of 1 March 2011 (annex VI chapter 3)
  •  Relevant national requirements that are not covered by in-force TSIs (open-points, specific cases, or under national rules)
Siehe alle
France: haut-bugey conventional line
France: Eole project
NoBo/DeBo FR/AsBo Services
France: CDG express line assessment
DeBo/NoBo/AsBo Services
France: bypass of Donges industrial sites
NoBo, DeBo and AsBo service
France : Bretagne Pays-De-La-Loire (BPL) HSL
Evaluation of the TGV POS subsystem in relation to TSI
Baltic Countries: Rail Baltica Project
NoBo/AsBo service
Denmark: Ringsted – Fehmarn
NoBo / ISA Services

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