
Société du Grand Paris


Dauer des Projekts

2014- 2030

Beschreibung des Projekts

The project consists in the creation of the 4 automatic metro lines without driver 15, 16, L17 and L18 of the Grand Paris.

L15 SOUTH – Noisy Champs / Pont de Sèvres:

– 16 stations,

– Approximately 33 km of tunnel (including connections to maintenance sites),

– Short train (3 cars) and long train (6 cars).

L15 WEST – Pont de Sèvre / St Denis Pleyel:

– 9 stations

– Approximately 21km of tunnel

– Long train (6 cars)

– 2 Tonçons 2025 and 2027

L15 EAST – St Denis Pleyel / Champygny Centre:

– 10 stations and a maintenance site for rolling stock and infrastructure

– 26 km of tunnels (23 of which on line and 3 for access to the maintenance site)

– Long trains (6 cars)

– 2 timetables 2025 and 2030

L16 – Saint Denis Pleyel / Noisy Champs:

– 9 stations

– Approximately 31 km of tunnels (including tunnels connecting to maintenance sites and line 17 connections)

L17 – Le Bourget RER / Mesnil-Amelot:

– 6 stations

-21 km of track

-Short trains (3 cars)

– 2 Sections 2023/2024 and 2030

L18 – Orly Airport / Versailles Chantiers:

– 10 stations

– 35 km (parts in tunnel and parts in viaduct)

– Highly contrasting territories

– Short trains with BOA type trainsets (3-car configuration)

Umfang der Arbeiten

Certifer carries out an OQA (Organisme Qualifié Agréé) mission in the following disciplines

Global System

  • Organizational, methodological and technical aspects contributing to the safe development of the system,
  • Methodology adopted for the identification of external, natural and technological risks,
  • Interfaces between the different subsystems.

Rolling Stock, including Rolling Stock and Infrastructure Maintenance Vehicles (VMI)

  • Body – Bearing – guidance,
  • Traction – braking,
  • On-board electrical safety systems.


  • Civil Engineering – Solidity;
  • Civil engineering – Fire safety, evacuation and emergency response;
  • Equipment – Fire safety, evacuation and implementation of emergency services;
  • Platform, tracks and turnouts ;
  • Strength of platform facades (METRO)

Energy, including electrical traction energy in the following aspects:

  • Electrical safety ;
  • Mechanical strength.

Control-Command and Signalling including :

  • Command and control;
  • Railway signalling.
  • Control system for the opening of landing doors (METRO)

Operational subsystems:

  • Processing of safety requirements identified during the development of the system and exported to operations and maintenance

As well as the evaluation of the measures to be taken to ensure, in safety, the automatic driving of trains on the maintenance sites (SMR), with respect to the personnel and the other trains or Infrastructure Maintenance Vehicles (VMI ).

Siehe alle
France: haut-bugey conventional line
France: Eole project
NoBo/DeBo FR/AsBo Services
France: CDG express line assessment
DeBo/NoBo/AsBo Services
France: bypass of Donges industrial sites
NoBo, DeBo and AsBo service
France : Bretagne Pays-De-La-Loire (BPL) HSL
Evaluation of the TGV POS subsystem in relation to TSI
Baltic Countries: Rail Baltica Project
NoBo/AsBo service
Denmark: Ringsted – Fehmarn
NoBo / ISA Services

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