


Control, Command and Signalling

Dauer des Projekts

2012 - 2017

Beschreibung des Projekts

The project to integrate the CNM LN into the RFN constitutes a significant change to the railway system within the meaning of Regulation 352/2009.
The person in charge of implementing this change, named proposer in the regulation 352/2009, is OC’VIA.

This project requires a second look at the correct application of the risk management process, which must be carried out by an independent body that meets the criteria of Regulation No. 352/2009.

Umfang der Arbeiten

  • Subsystems of a structural nature
    • Infrastructure
    • Energy
    • Control-command and signalling


  • the functional subsystems
    • Operations
    • Maintenance
    • All the interfaces between, on the one hand, these different subsystems and, on the other hand, the project and its environment
Siehe alle
France: haut-bugey conventional line
France: Eole project
NoBo/DeBo FR/AsBo Services
France: CDG express line assessment
DeBo/NoBo/AsBo Services
France: bypass of Donges industrial sites
NoBo, DeBo and AsBo service
France : Bretagne Pays-De-La-Loire (BPL) HSL
Evaluation of the TGV POS subsystem in relation to TSI
Baltic Countries: Rail Baltica Project
NoBo/AsBo service
Denmark: Ringsted – Fehmarn
NoBo / ISA Services

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